General Information
General Information
Course design
HNDE is a 3 ½ year full time day course with facilities for institutional and practical studies including six months in-plant training. As all aspects of the course are conducted in
English medium, Students are required to follow a 1 ½ month intensive English course before commencing the course.
Course components
All the subjects taught with an emphasis towards practical as well as theory. Adequate laboratory experiments are conducted in most of the subjects .
The students have to follow lectures and do library assignments, laboratory and workshop practical , phase tests and project and face year end examinations. The project will consist of applications based on the theoretical knowledge and skills learn through lectures and other academic activities.
Industrial visits will be organized by the respective departments with collaboration with a relevant industry.
Fields of Study
The HNDE programme can be divided in to following 3 fields.
1. Electrical/Electronic Engineering
2. Mechanical Engineering
3. Civil Engineering
The National Apprentice and industrial training authority (NAITA) provides a valu added in plant training opportunities of two, three months duration; first one being after the completion of the second year and the other subsequent to the completion of the final year in the respective specialised engineering fields.
After a continuous three year course with a six month in plant training in renowned establishments in various parts of the country, students finally find an easy access to lucrative engineering careers in the ever widening professional industrial spheres in our country. It is heartening to note that the private entrepreneurs have realised the value of the HNDE and those who possess this diploma are being employed in progressively grater numbers in their establishments.
Avenues available for future career development
That the Institute of Engineering Sri Lanka (IESL) has granted:-
(a) Student memberships to those students who complete the first year of the HNDE programme.
(b) Permission to students who have successfully completed the full program (HNDE) to follow the IESL (part 1 classes)
Those who follow this course can qualify for exemption from CEI (UK) part I examination by getting a number of merits specified by the London Engineering Council.
For more details please contact us.